Do you want to practice speaking in Korean?

What's included in our community?

Weekly live sessions to practice Korean conversation

Kyle's live private group lessons

Access to + 50 self-pace courses

  • Access to more than +50 self-pace courses that will help you understand the fundaments of Korean.

  • Videos on Real-life Korean conversations that you can apply in your sentences.

  • Challenge yourself in the 31-Day, 7-Day Challenge where you can learn about the most difficult grammar rules and concepts!

Group of motivating people!

  • STOP learning Korean alone and start practicing with us!

  • Stay motivated by each other and don’t give up!

  • Share your interests in Korean and listen to different tips on how they learnt Korean!

I'll tell you even more details 🤫

Weekly live sessions

Access to Courses

What the members
say about our community!

Where can I get all this?

  •  WEEKLY Live sessions (1 month): $220 
  • +50 Self-paced course lessons: $175
  • 31-day/ 7-day Challenges: $350
  • Interactive community: Priceless
  • TOTAL PRICE: $745

Now just for $55/ mo

(Join us before prices increase)

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If you want more detail book a call with me!

More Reviews!

Live Sessions and Listening Videos

March 13, 2024

안녕하세요! I’m in the Kolingo Kommunity group for intermediates. Kyle, our teacher, provides live sessions for us to practice speaking in Korean. He also provides videos where we have to listen to Korean and answer questions in Korean. The group is close knit and we write to each other in Korean and English. I’m really glad I joined because it’s helping improve my Korean pronunciation and my ability understand spoken Korean.

Kim M.

Embracing the uncertainty of learning a language

March 9, 2024

I recently took a leap and joined an online community even though I felt unsure and inexperienced. In the realm of language learning, it is often advised to actively engage in conversation. Luckily, I stumbled upon a perfect platform to do just that. Kyle, the facilitator of this community, possesses a remarkable talent for fostering participation without overwhelming anyone. Additionally, he consistently creates opportunities for us to challenge ourselves and provide support to one another. The group is comprised of genuinely kind individuals who made me feel very welcome. I highly recommend taking the plunge and joining this community.

Lori Limchayseng

Just right.

March 8, 2024

There is no regret at all in joining Kolingo. I am learning and I am having fun. There is also a good mix of people in the group. What is there more to ask?


Getting deeper into the Korean language

March 8, 2024

The Kommunity is helping me to improve my Korean because I always learn something new that is not in the books, the explanation is very clear and in a concise way, so we can perfectly understand the grammar and feel confident about it! We can feel free to ask if we want and we can keep up with the news Korean slangs. I really like being here because we have live sessions every week, challenges every day, always practicing the new vocabulary. The environment is very friendly, we can talk to each other, help each other, ask Kyle any question, and for example, if we make a mistake there’s no problem. I highly recommend being here because Kyle has a good educational background and he has a lot of knowledge in the Korean language. He’s an incredible hard-working teacher and he can make everyone feel comfortable during our classes surpassing all our expectations.

Daniela Kranz Moreira

Weekly live sessions, conversations is the best

March 7, 2024

We have weekly live sessions where we discuss phrases from a drama we are all watching. That interaction is the highlight of the week. There is always something to learn and to get better at Korean. We also get to practice listening and solving riddles in Korean. We have discussions on posts recommending dramas, songs etc and encouraging members to continue learning. I think it’s a great community and if people join and participate in the activities, they truly will learn and become better in korean.


Takes the fear out of Learning

March 3, 2024

I thought I knew Korean after studying it for over a year but once I started listening to live conversations properly I realised I was really struggling to communicate. I have found Kyle so patient in his teaching and he makes everything super simple and breaks it down perfectly.

The live sessions even though they seem daunting are very useful as you get to speak and hear conversational Korean at a speed that is perfect when trying to learn. I have come a long way in my listening skills which is something I never thought I would say and slowly I am starting to speak more as well.

The learning materials are just enough and do not overwhelm you and the portal is super easy to use and communicate with other learners.

He definitely is skilled and I would highly recommend him to all who wish to learn 🙂

Louise Whittleworth

Kommunity Review

March 2, 2024

I enjoy Kommunity. It is a friendly place where I can learn. My favourite part is the challenges. I like the shorter ones as sometimes I get busy with the longer ones and it is easier to miss a day. The challenges are very educational. I also like the life sessions, although it is sometimes a bit above my level I still learn new things and enjoy it. I like that it is once a week and that I can attend a life session if I’m available in the day.
